Kim’s Clean Mexican Salad




The first of the New Year brings many things.  We all have New Year’s resolutions, health goals and questions about things we should rid from the past.  As we go into the New Year, let’s touch on something that SO many focus on.  Health and clean eating….

We should first focus on two topics.  Why do we fall off the wagon so fast and why do we give up so easily?

  1. There is too much emphasis on what you need to take out and less on what you need to add in.  Yes, you will get bored and give up if you are forcing yourself to consume foods that you have no desire to eat or even consider.  Here is where I can help!


  1. You don’t know how to transform your recipes into healthier ones. Better yet, you don’t know how to find foods that actually taste good.  Trust me, I love to eat!  LOVE to eat!!! I still find ways to make things healthy and nutritious while tasting good.


This is a classic example of eating what I love, considering convenience (another excuse) and altering a classic for a healthier version.  I don’t know about you, but I love Mexican food!  All of that sodium….Uhm, NO!  So I choose my “version.”  Yes, the idea of Mexican food may mean a greasy enriched flour tortilla covered in oils, cheeses, meats (from unknown sources) and who knows what else is in there.  Next please!!!

As you can see, I “spiced” it up a bit!  Instead of an unhealthy tortilla bowl filled with unhealthy ingredients, I chose to layer my “Mexican salad” with a bed of organic spinach.  Did I mention convenient?  I made two separate meals the other night.  One was turkey chili in the crockpot and the other was spicy chicken for fajitas.  I combined the small leftovers, sautéed some garlic and onions, and topped the mixture onto my bed of lettuce.  Delish!!!

Condiments?  Who loves condiments?  If you cannot make your own guac and salsa from fresh, organic ingredients, there are many options in the store.  I personally choose the organic version, but it’s a preference. I try to limit dairy, but when I have Mexican food, I love a dollop of greek yogurt.  No sour cream for this girl!!!  See….we can improvise!  Easy peasy!

This is just one of many recipes and tips/tricks that I will be sharing with you.  I want you to see that it doesn’t have to SUCK to eat healthy. You can still enjoy the dishes you love with a few adjustments.  This dish was simple, easy, and convenient.  It’s also loaded with nutrients.  A good balance of healthy proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and fat.  Did I mention that avocado??  YUM!